[Miss Elizabeth "Bessie" Remsen Webb (later Mrs. George B. Parsons).]
[Miss Elizabeth "Lizzie" Pelham Bend (later Mrs. Henry Asher Robbins).]
[Mrs. Roland Redmond (neé Helen Bulkeley).]
Mrs. Peters[?]
Mrs. Henry Leavitt
Mr. Isaac Bell
[Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt II (neé Alice Claypoole Gwynne).]
Mr. Buchanan Winthrop
Mr. William Douglas
Mrs. William Douglas (neé Adelaide Townsend)
[Mr. Howard C. Dickinson.]
[Miss Agnes Binsse (later Mrs. Reginald Francklyn).]
Mrs. E. J. Woolsey (neé Fanny Smythe)
Mr. Perry Belmont
[Miss Emma Leavitt (later Mrs. William Fellowes Morgan).]
[Mrs. Joseph Stone.]
Miss [Agnes] Binsse & Mr. [Reginald] Francklyn
[Mr. Joseph Grafton Minot of Boston.]
[Mrs Arthur Paget (née Mary (Minnie) Paran Stevens).]
Miss [Frederica] Belmont (later Mrs. S. S. Howland)